Monday, October 6, 2008

LA Chocolate Salon

True to my blog name, I actually ended up with a few chocolate stains on my top today. It's unavoidable.

Out of all the vendors, I only purchased the genmai chocolate from because they've been on my mind since i bought them in SD. It got crowded, stuffy and smelly very quickly. It was like a chocolate equivalent of comic-con. I couldn't look at another piece of chocolate by the end of the day. At one point I spat out a marshmallow into my nespresso sample because it was so disgustingly sweet(picture above). I didn't care for the coffee either. I've become quite a coffee snob. I thought I would be in chocolate heaven, but instead I think I may have to give up chocolate for a while. Don't get me wrong, there were alot of yummy choices, but I just couldn't stomach it all. It all just blurred together. I remember liking the fluer de sel caramels from I forgot who and the ones from cosmic chocolate. They remind me of Ethel's in Vegas. That's all folks. I think I would prefer to review chocolate one at a time. NOT ALL AT ONCE. my stomach is still not happy.

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